+ 44 (0) 7379 398363
Indian Head Massage
Indian Head Massage is an effective and relaxing holistic therapy based on old Ayurvedic techniques and practiced for many years in India and recently in the West. It works on the part of the body that is most affected by stress and specifically on the upper back, shoulders, arms, neck, scalp and face (options for ear and hand), with you remaining seated in an upright position using a specialist IHM chair and/or laying on the massage table.
Indian Head Massage has many physiological and emotional benefits and it is a very caring treatment :
Improved muscle tension in face, neck, shoulder, back and upper arms
Helps mobility in neck and shoulders
Can improve joint mobility
Encourages a feeling of wellbeing
Can relieve physical and emotional stress
Promotes deep relaxation
Improved circulation to the head and neck assisting in the removal of toxins
Improves Lymphatic Drainage encouraging the removal of waste products
Relieves mental and physical stain and improves concentration
Helps headaches, insomnia, bruxism, eyestrain
Relieves Sinus congestion
Can support you to feel calm
Improves mood and alertness
May help improve hair loss, thinning and alopecia
Most people only worry about their hair's health when it starts to look dry or thin. When the body is subjected to ill health or stress, the hair is often affected and can become dry.
Menopause can also dry the hair. Healthy hair should be promoted from childhood and this is a great treatment for little ones.

Indian Head Massage Treatments
Our Services
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includes full consultation and in depth massage treatment for scalp, neck, face, shoulders
1 hr 15 min
40 British pounds - Read More
A treatment that focuses on massaging acupressure points along the head, neck, shoulders and face.
1 hr
40 British pounds - Read More
45 minute IHM RENEW massaging acupressure points along the head, neck, shoulders and face.
45 min
35 British pounds - Read More
30 minute IHM REVIVE massaging acupressure points along the head, neck, shoulders and face.
30 min
30 British pounds